stand up

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Katso myös: standup, lavakoomikko, standardi


stand up

  1. puolustaa, tukea, puhua puolesta, levätä, seistä, seisoa, nousta takajaloilleen, pystyttää, asettaa, nostaa, nousta seisomaan, nousta ylös.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: stand up -komedia, stand up -koomikko.






nousta seisomaan

kestää puhekieltä To rise from a lying or sitting position.

Stand up, then sit down again.

(RQ:Mrxl SqrsDghtr)
He tried to persuade Cicely to stay away from the ball-room for a fourth dance.(..)But she said she must go back, and when they joined the crowd again(..)she found her mother standing up before the seat on which she had sat all the evening searching anxiously for her with her eyes, and her father by her side.
puhekieltä To bring something up and set it into a standing position.

Laura stood the sofa up on end.

puhekieltä To avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with (a person) without prior notification; to jilt or shirk.

John stood Laura up at the movie theater.

2008 Oct. 20, (w), Questionable Content 1255: Consummate:
— What?! Why did you come HERE then? You should be at a hospital!
— A gentleman never stands a lady up.
puhekieltä To last or endure over a period of time.
1969 May 23, ",9171,900869,00.html Planetary Exploration: Doubleheader on Venus," Time:
Both Venus 5 and Venus 6 had apparently stood up well under the rigors of their 217-million-mile trips.
puhekieltä To continue to be believable, consistent, or plausible.
1974 Dec. 23, ",9171,911586,00.html Watergate: Getting Out What Truth?," Time:
Ehrlichman's story did not stand up under Neal's grilling.
puhekieltä To stand immediately behind the wicket so as to catch balls from a slow bowler|slow or spin bowler, and to attempt to stump the batsman.
puhekieltä To launch, propel upwards
{{quote-journal|date=September 28, 2011|author=Tom Rostance|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To formally activate and commission (a unit, formation, etc.).


  • "Olen pelannut Gordie Howea ja Alexander Ragulinia vastaan, ja tiedän mitä kaukalossa oleminen tarkoittaa : If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."

  • "Olen pelannut Gordie Howea ja Alexander Ragulinia vastaan, ja tiedän mitä kaukalossa oleminen tarkoittaa : If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen."

  • "Matti Väisänen sanoi tällaisissa tilanteissa, että vinkuu pahasti. Minun sanontani on: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. Piste."

  • "(puolustamassa) Next time you'll bloody ask before you stand on my point. (Seuraavan kerran kysy ennenkuin tulet seisoskelemaan pisteelleni.)"


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make-up, pick-up, cup, maailmancup, ketchup, gallup, puhelingallup, katugallup

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